What a weekend! Or should I say, what a week?! I'm exhausted. I'm finally taking a break by staying indoors for the entire Sunday. I'm also testing out this nifty blogger for my iTouch. I'll blog more when I feel like it.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
His Missed Connection
If you know me well enough, you'll know that I frequent the missed connection page of craigslist.com every morning. Heck, I even consider it part of my morning reading in addition to local Sacramento news and the Capitol Morning Report. Yes, I'm pretty hooked on it like I'm hooked on political scandals. So any-who, I LOVE stories, which is why I became a history major, and yes, I do have my bachelors in Political Science because it's more reliable for me to obtain a decent income with that than History. And, yes, money isn't everything in Violet's world, but this girl has an appetite for good food, good fun, good things, good living and she needs some sort of income for that. Back to craigslist addiction: I enjoy stories in any form but the missed connection section really reels me in. It's amazing how people can go on with life knowing their missed connection is out there. It's a bit inspirational. I LOVE the angry rants one and yes, even the romantic ones. If you want to start reading missed connections on craigslist as well, I suggest you read inspirational ones in areas other than Sacramento. Why? Because the some of the stories here are lame with short missed connection descriptions or people are using it as their live journal (hello, blogspot? xanga? wordpress? not craigslist, people. *rolls eyes*). Also, a lot of the people who post on there have no knowledge of simple English sentence structures or they have bad spelling and grammar. That bothers me. So I read LA and the Bay Area when I'm fed up with some of the Sacramento unemployed, uneducated craigslist dwellers. Nonetheless, then there are stories that really capitvates me and makes me believe in fairies and talking monkeys. Here's an example I saved. Let me know if the story sounds familiar. =)
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: craigslist, Sacramento 2nd Saturday, Sacramento Art Walk
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dummy Joke from mon ami, Miss America
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Joke
Aftermaths of stress
What happens when Violet is frustrated and stressed out from the effects of school, personal life, and the lack of job opportunities there are for graduates...? She yanks on her eyelashes. ALL OF THEM.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
If only blogging was made available to me at all times. i.e in the form of a mobile device!
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
This is NOT cool...
Honestly, who the fuck cares about the White House crashers, Tiger Wood's car crash, or Chelsea Clinton's engagement. Why the fuss, CNN? Why the repeats on stories that DO NOT matter when there are news worthy stories of albinos in Africa being hunted and murdered for witchcraft? Or how human trafficking still exists in America. Apparently, the stupid news media just wants to focus on stories that idiots would rather hear about rather than time sensitive issues of human endangerment. WTF, seriously? Why are there so many repeats on Tiger Wood's car crash - he's alive and well, people! News media should be repeating the stories of human trafficking in America, which is much more of a pressing matter at this time - well, to me at least. Urgh, fuck this shit. Idiots. EDIT: I see that CNN has a whole hour of covering the human trafficking material tomorrow. At 6 in the fucken morning. I can't watch that. I have to get ready for work at that time and try to catch the light rail and make it to work on time to work on my juvenile justice facilities report to give to boards of supervisor down in LA. This is obviously stressful, I can never get what I want. MAJOR URGH.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Surprise and Turkey
How did I make it through last week, unscathed? I'm shocked myself. At least this week will be quick and short. I have an oral quiz today for my Mandarin class, then I'll be out running for 1.5 to 2 hours this evening. Tomorrow I have work then I tutor a new little girl in reading. Afterward, more running. At least there will be daylight. Wednesday, I think I work?? I'll be taking a break from running on Wednesday because Thursday will be the big day. =/ I'm finding it particularly hard these days in coordinating my outfits. I try to make each of my outfits flow from work to school to volunteering at my local elementary school to my night outfits (if I do intend to go out for cocktails that night.) I've talked to Mermaid about this before (she's a teacher) and since we both have interesting choices on how we dress, not tasteless fashion, but the way we dress do cause some eye rollings at our respective schools of work/volunteer. So how would I roll from work to school? Or work to elementary school? Or school to happy hour? Or from work to gym/jogging? Ahhh, quite a dilemma isn't it? What outfits would be most appropriate. Maybe I should talk to Mermaid about documenting our outfit ventures. On another note, Thanksgiving is this week! I can't wait! We're having the traditional turkey and honey ham with yummy stuffing. We're also making curry as an entree dish as well because I'm half South Asian and it just makes sense to have our specialty spicy dish on a cold November evening. Then we got the knick knacks of food to grub on: candy yams, honey biscuits, corn muffins, my mom's secret, my aunt Jenny's secrets, and my aunt Vanny's secret. I hear a persimmon dish will be there too. But that's only a rumor. I'll be making pumpkin pie, chocolate cupcakes (yes Leslyn, I'll drop some off at your place), and maybe tiramisu. Philliam is going to try and "woo" my mom by making cheesecake pumpkin pie. Although, he needs my helps. -___- There will be other people there as well who are bringing dishes over for our evening feast. My glutton ass can't wait!
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cultural Events, fashion, hunger pangs, Volunteer
Monday, November 16, 2009
Busy week, every week. I haven't had a day off from life's crazy juggle ever since my car has been temporarily fixed. Sometimes I wonder if I'm taking on more load than I can actually handle. No breather this week either. I have the usual eight to five job with the ever stressful juvenile court school bill that we've been trying to get Arnold to sign for the past three years, classes in between, tutoring elementary kids, showing up to help my parents out with their messy and active household and business, more birthday parties this weekend, yell at one of my sisters, schedule time to have lunch/dinner with an old high school buddy, take my youngest sister to her appointments, the list goes on. AND I have another oral test in my Chinese language class and more obligations to my volunteering work this week?! ARGH!! This never ends.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:17 AM 2 comments
Labels: life
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Weekly Rant
I'm having a hard time in my Mandarin class. Listening and speaking is pretty easy, but writing and memorizing the characters is a struggle for me. My professor is pretty anal on how the characters are written. My Chinese name is Tai Fa Li (we got to choose it ourselves) and I have to write that on all my papers that is turned in. I notice that she has been marking off a quarter of a point when a stroke isn't long enough or in the right place on how I write my name.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lonely Repulican
As I was heading into work this morning, I heard via NPR that a lonesome Republican in Congress voted for the major health care reform. I was a bit shocked to hear that a Republican was going against his party to vote on a much needed health care reform bill ignoring that fact that he has no colleagues in congress.
As soon as I was dropped off at work, I rushed into the office and turned on my t.v. Just as I hoped, this had to be big enough news to hit CNN, MSNBC, or maybe even FOX (shudders). Sure enough, the story was big in the political arena on CNN. The lonesome Republican turned out to be no other than Louisiana Representative Anh Joseph Cao.
Once I received the news, I was not surprised. Last summer, when Congressman Cao was running for the vacant seat that former Representative William Jefferson was occupying, I did a little snooping around on the internet on this devout Catholic lawyer.
I became intrigued by Congressman Cao because he’s an immigrant from Vietnam. It’s extremely rare for someone who’s a descendant from the South Asian region to become involve in politics, especially reaching as high as Congress. K, I’m done explaining my reasons for researching him.
What’s more shocking was how he won the election in a democratic state populated heavily with African American residents. This just goes to show that voters will give their vote to who they know will represent those best – this is exactly what happened. One of maybe some of you reading this, might not even understand what that means.
So here was a devout Catholic Republican who immigrated from Vietnam at the age of 8 years old who won the Congress seat by beating out eight others who was running for the same vacant seat, including William Jefferson, who was, at the time, being investigated on bribery charges. This just goes to show that there will be citizens who will look past political parties and vote for someone who will stand to diligently represent them.
Fast forward today, despite his party affiliation, he decided to vote for the health care bill because he knew that many, many of his constituents are uninsured. Now that’s standing up for the people who trusted him by voting him into office. This is a noble, selfless act, even if it may isolate him from making friends among fellow republicans in congress. As of late, many politicians are forgetting what their job entails - i.e. standing up for your district.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 12:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: Healthcare, Joseph Cao, Louisiana Representative, Politics, William Jefferson
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Morning After
Philliam and I threw a Halloween party on Friday the 30th. Today is Sunday, November 1. We've officially finished cleaning and his house looks great! Well, we finished cleaning on Halloween but this morning we did another thorough cleaning throughout the house. It was exhausting.
No pictures until I upload. I have a test this week. But here's a dialogue between me and him during our back breaking cleaning session on Saturday morning.
Me: Babe, I need a scooper for the debris I piled up.
Him: Sure, just give me a minute.
*Philliam leaves the master bedroom and comes back after 4 minutes*
Him: Here you go. *hands me a ripped up wheaties box*
Me: Huh??? o_O
He put some thought into making it because it has a nifty handle that scoops up the debris just fine. I guess I should be proud that he's following my footsteps in trying not to feed evil consumerism and being an environmentalist. Or is he is just being lazy?
If you're wondering, I did use that Wheaties dust pan box until I no longer had anymore use for it. I'm thinking about either: making him a dust pan from items I have lying around, buying him an organic one (pricey), pay a visit to my local thrift shop, or go the Target way (because sometimes it's alright to be a hypocrite).
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 7:32 PM 3 comments
Labels: Cultural Events, dust pan, Halloween, Holiday, Weekend, Wheaties
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Weekly Rant
There have been many instances where rape goes unreported because often the women feels as if she put herself in that dangerous situation and blames herself, therefore she felt that it would be wrong to report such a monstrous act. How about another incident where a women is too scared to say no to her rapist and "plays along" thus making her a victim of violence? Seriously, when does this type of thinking end? Sometimes I wonder if I am guilty of such thoughts.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Last Thursday
I don't remember crying that much this yea
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mix Lounge with Mermaid and my aunt
That's right. I hit up Mix Lounge last night with my 40 something year old aunt. She got hit on more than Mermaid and I combined. So Mermaid and I decided that the next time we paint the town red with her, we're going to step up our game. Yes. We're going to hoochie-fy ourselves.
I'll post up pictures from my aunt's camera later since she doesn't know how to upload. I've been waiting for a picture of her and the Senator for 5 months now! She's technology challenged.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:46 AM 4 comments
Labels: mile logging, Mix Lounge, Run, Weekend
Friday, October 23, 2009
Interesting charges to my bank account
My last three transactions in my checking account made me laugh a little this morning. I ran my debit card at Forever 21 (Halloween costume purchase) for $55.55. The second transaction was at Fuzio (short happy hour but long conversations with a friend) for $18.49. Lastly, the third transaction at Mongolian BBQ (dinner with a friend from high school) for the same as Fuzio, $18.49! WOW! Okay, so it's only three transaction that made me look twice. Made my morning after my hellish, tearful Thursday.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Overwhelming Emotions
The Stable Quliaty Care commercial that I've been seeing on CNN is breaking my heart. It makes me wonder about the "what ifs" in life. Now that's an effective commercial. You can see thier website here: stablequalitycare.org
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Why isn't America safer for women?
What's going on these days with abductions, kidnapping, and domestic violence on women?? That's one of the many issues that caught my attention on CNN today.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Stop Cock Blocking Me.
I was born in California, raised in California, and will DIE in California. I love this golden state of mine so much, but living here makes it so hard for me to actually enjoy it, especially when I hit retail therapy sessions. Trying to buy things here is SOOOOO difficult. Why do I have to go through so much paper works and identification verification just to buy harmless items, yet only to get denied later?? Even one of my item that I have in my possession is still an ongoing paperwork to confirm my background checks. I've had it since July and haven't even gotten to play with it yet!!!! I'm going to bring up this retail cock blocker to someone's attention. Talk about frustrations. T_T Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?? .::EDIT::. That's ITTTTTTTT. I hit another road bump during my retail session therapy. I'm emailing my Senator tomorrow.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 7:32 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
We just got one of our bills vetoed by the Governor's office that stated our bill would result in significant Proposition 98 General Fund cost pressures. Umm.. okay. Weren't we prancing around the entire Capitol community with songs and phrases about how our bill was a fiscal bill with NO costs? Thanks for ignoring us for the past several months. Now I wonder whether or not children that are at risk of abuse and neglect will be placed on priority for child care services. There is already paid programs for child care services in California, our bill was just to ensure that children under JCS who are at risk or neglected be placed under priority. Since when is there a cost in placing children on priority lists? Muy buenos, Governor.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: California Governor, Politics, Vetoed Message
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday Monday
I'm wearing glasses. You know what that means. I woke up feeling awful. My body is still aching. I'm starting to worry that this might be a long term thing. I need a full time job with health benefits, pronto. That's the common story of a 20-something-year old with no health coverage in America.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Better Weather
We've got some sun in today and the temperature is currently in the high 80s here in the state capitol. Mermaid is heading to LA soon, I wonder how the weather is down there. Lucky her! I wish her the best of luck, even if she doesn't need it. I can't wait for when she comes back. I LOVE hearing about her adventures. They're always so bold and exciting. Makes me feel so lame with my blah life. The only thing I got going for me is... myself. =P Other than that, I'm still not feeling so well. I feel so crappy since I haven't been logging my miles. I wonder how my body will feel tomorrow.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: weather
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Abrupt change in weather
What's with this sudden cooler weather? My body is achy. I hate how my body cannot adjust to sudden changes in weather. My joints are in pain and my stomach feels funny. I need to listen to my body today and take a break from logging my miles or this day will not end well.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: mile logging, Rants, Run, sick, weather
Monday, September 28, 2009
Questioning me??
I've always thought that a certain someone knew me well enough to not question me on why I do certain things. By now, they should know how random I am. So this is making me wonder why they questioned me when I opened up a purse and exclaimed "That's where you've been hiding!!! I've been searching all over for you!" He looked over while driving and looked a little confused and asked "Why do you have that?" Hmm... Shouldn't he know how by now without questioning??
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Now that I've been baking and cooking on my own, I haven't been giving much thought in purchasing packaged food at the grocery. I normally bake cowboy cookies, which I snack on as my recovery/post-running food and also as my hunger-pangs-at-work snack. I find the cowboy cookies that I'd bake to be healthful and beneficial in how my body feels at the end of the day. Well, due to my lack of transportation, I was missing the key ingredients that are essential to my workout recovery. Miraculously, my parents bought 3 packs of Keebler cookies from our local Safeway and I decided, why not just substitute these cookies until I am able to get my hands on the key ingredients? Bad mistake. I've been trying to snack on the same dozen cookies that I bagged up 3 days ago and am finding it increasingly difficult to smell, bite, chew, and swallow.
Today, hunger pang hits me hard. Instead of reaching for the sweet green tea flavored rice cakes (drools) I decided to finish the Keebler cookies before the end of my work day. Upon opening the baggie, the smell wafted right to my nose, I immediately felt sick. I just couldn't. No matter how hungry, I just can't eat it. But I also despise wasting food. So now what am I do to? Maybe instead of giving the bums my loose change while I await the arrival of my RT light rail, I can just give him my Keebler cookies. That would be good! Now excuse me while I snack on my sweet green tea flavored rice cakes.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: cowboy cookies, hunger pangs, Keebler, post run snack
Back to being busy busy
This is going to be another backbreaking weekend for me. Tonight, I'm attending a cooking showdown in which I'll be documenting between two iron chefs. Saturday, I'll be doing a walk-a-thon with my sisters at 6am, then at 10am I'm off to the reptile show at the Sacramento Convention Center; around 4pm, I need to pack up Philliam and Mermaid and take them with me to Galt for Miss USA's birthday which will involve sumo suits and wrestling. After Miss USA's birthday bash, I drop off Mermaid at her place in Elk Grove, then take Philliam home to Natomas. Then off I go for bar hopping with old and new friends. Afterwards, I call it a night. Sunday, helping my parents with the farm and try to squeeze in some time to memorize Chinese radicals and simple phrases. I don't know how I'm going to be able to log my miles this weekend.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Weekly Rant
My morning commute on the RT light rail service in Sacramento is usually relaxing for me. It's where other sleepy/grouchy passengers keep their distant in order to not be disturbed by "nonsense" on their way to work and for people who have nothing better to do but to ride the light rail around town and/or jump on other trains to pass their considerable ample amount of free time. What I've witness so far from my 2 years of riding the RT is there are some passengers who quietly reads a novel before they may loose a chance to do so during their eight to five grueling hours of work. There are others who just snooze off on the train, as well as the typical business people checking their Blackberries 24/7. Then there's me. The anti-stressed. I like to glaze my eyes around at anything and everything, especially if I'm pumped up and energized from an early morning run. I like to people watch or just peer out the window at the outside world just to be with my own thoughts. Riding the RT in the morning is something I enjoy very much due to the peacefulness I get. It somewhat relaxes me. Due to my so-called relaxation theory on riding a public transportation in the morning, you can tell that I don't like to be bothered. When I'm on the morning train, no one forces their small chit chats on me or count my freckles or talk loudly on their cell phones or rudely pollutes my space with their smell. Although, this morning was a bit different. The area I sat around was empty as people left for their stops. I knew at that moment that I will be going through two stops with nothing but peaceful bliss - that is until some dopey kid came by and sat his ass down across from me. I guess he didn't see the other empty seats scattered across the train. Since he looked young, I figured he was either going to ask me: One, for change (this happens often in downtown) or two, where was this train's next stop. Instead, he bothered me with some nonense. Some Kid: mumble mumble Me: I'm sorry, but what??? Some Kid: *bewildered look* mumble mumble Me: *annoyed face* Can you speak up? I can't understand you. Some Kid: *angrily looks at me* mumble mumble Me: *thinks to self, is this kid fuckin serious??* What?!?!?! I can't understand you. Some Kid: *gives me an unpleasant sigh* I was wondering if I could get your name and number. Me: *happy that he finally stopped mumbling* Oh!!! No. Some Kid: *stands up in a lazy teenage fashion* daaammmnnn man. Me: *goes back to relaxation mood for the next 8 minutes* That incident didn't really bother me, but I just found it funny how I easily went from my stern NO back to my relaxation mood.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: name and number, Rants, RT
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Chocolate Toffee Bars
I made my first batch of chocolate toffee bars this morning and let me tell you! They were delish! Philliam said they were just as good as the lemon bars I made before I took off to Asia. He claimed that he missed my lemon bars more than he missed me. Whatever. I was having the time of my life when I was overseas. Hah!
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 2:12 PM 2 comments
successful saturday
Friday night, I stayed home, did some cooking, tidy-up the house, and watched The Bodyguard. All alone. I was a bit uneasy being home alone due to the crazy things that has been going on in my neighborhood. Even though I was on high alert for anything that seemed out of the ordinary, my evening spent alone was nice. It's been awhile since I was able to spend Friday nights at home and alone. Saturday morning, I woke up bright and early, did my morning jog. Got home, had some breakfast, shook my brother awake with my foot, called Richard, and got ready for the Ocean Conservancy Lake Clean Up, which I had volunteered for 2 weeks ago. From 9am to 12pm, we picked up other people's trash at Lake Berryessa. It's amazing what we found. The usual trash items were beer bottles and cans, and also broken beer bottles. Although, the most common trash I found littered around the lake were feminine products, i.e. pads, tampons (and lots of it), and panty liners. I'm not kidding. How gross is that? Why would anyone do such an unsanitary thing? Of course, changing your tampons behind some bushes is fine, but at least take the trash with you! How hard is it to place the applicator back into the wrapper and place that in another trash bag and take it with you? I honestly don't get people who just throw their trashes everywhere. Good grief. Some volunteers claimed they found shells from shot guns and rifles. hmm... After we picked up trash, we waited around for the others so we can do a 30 minute drive to where the barbecue was held for volunteers. While we waited, we decided to take some pictures.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: Coastal Clean Up, Coastal Conservation, Cultural Events, fear, Home Alone, Lake Berryessa, Volunteer, Weekends
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Unhappy closure in the Annie Le case
Feelings of wretched disappointment washed over me this morning when I read the major headline on CNN. I felt my belly do a 360 flip and my heart stopped beating for a mere second. I'm aware that violence happens everywhere but what I did not know is can individuals be immune to such violence? I've spent my childhood in the most dangerous, poverty-stricken areas of Los Angeles where I was exposed to hate crimes, gang violence, random attacks, and even child molestation and rape on a day-by-day basis. I know that violence is something that I am unable to escape, no matter where I reside now, despite my residential history, I just assumed that I have become used to the fact that violence happens. Apparently, I have been contradicting myself for years and today I'm now facing that truth. I've been following the Annie Le case ever since she was reported missing with the highest of highest hope that she was kidnapped for ransom and would later be found alive and well but with scrapes, bruises, or maybe some broken joints (this is reality folks, I doubt kidnapped victims are ever found unscathed) - but alive is what I was aiming for. There's a heavy air over me and I can't seem to shake it off. Headlines of child brides deceased after giving birth, homeless and pregnant foster girls thrown out of foster care, the disgusting DuGard case that reminds of the Fritzl guy in Austria case, are swirling around me. I feel so helpless and hopeless. I'm just ranting again. I know there are many like myself out there who had huge hopes that she would be found alive, rather than the way she was found.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 10:22 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Weekly Rant
I've been sucked into the Annie Le homicide case and have become irritable at how little updates there has been about the case. Last week, I wanted some sort of a happy ending - actually, a more realistic one. Here is one that I had imagined last week before the tragic Sunday. I figured the professor she was an assistant too was somehow involved in her disappearance since he had canceled class the same time her disappearance was noticed. I had hoped that maybe he kidnapped her since she witnessed something (I haven't yet thought about what that something is yet) that he wasn't supposed to be doing. All I wanted was for her to alive and well. Now I read that a body has been found stuffed into the wall in the basement lab. Of course, it isn't yet confirmed that it's her, but I have this horrible sinking feeling about this. I feel like crap. I'm starting to hate watching the news. That's my weekly rant for the week.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angry, Annie Le, emotions, Frustrations, Rants, Top News
Monday, September 14, 2009
September 12th, 2nd Saturday!
This was the craziest 2nd Saturday event that I've ever experienced. We had a total of 5-tag-alongs (total strangers that followed our group) and ony 2 out of the 5-tag-alongs stuck with us until we all decided to part ways at the end of the night. Crazy, ain't it? It began with just four of us: Philliam, Venetian, Jazzy Jazz and myself. We had a scrumptious dinner at Zocalo that was absolutely fantastic. I wished Mermaid joined us but she had some busy things to do. I love Zocalo's complimentary green rice that comes with every entree. The dessert is not bad either. It's my third time eating there. The first three times weren't so significant on my memory since the first time I was having one of those ugly days where I felt, looked, and had an ugly day. The second experience, I was sick and could not enjoy the food as much. Lastly, the third time was with my brother Sunny the Bunny and Richard. Very awkward since they didn't know what was going on with Philliam and I yet (early confusing state of dating where I thought I was gay and he didn't think he'd ever date girls of my race). HAH! But this fourth time was GOOOD. I actually enjoyed the food so much better.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: Bliss Jewelry, Cultural Events, Downtown, Outings, Sacramento 2nd Saturday, Sacramento Art Walk, Sugar Shack, Weekends, Zocalo
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
John Legend's outdoor concert
On Friday evening, Philliam took me to the John Legend concert. thanks Jasmine for the awesome tickets! My cousin and her girlfriend also happened to be there. Not surprised. My cousin has spent half her life at concerts, shows, etc. Lucky her! She promised to take me to see Jason Mraz 2 years ago. I need to pester her about that.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Downtown, John Legend, Outings, Pondering, Weekends