That's right. I hit up Mix Lounge last night with my 40 something year old aunt. She got hit on more than Mermaid and I combined. So Mermaid and I decided that the next time we paint the town red with her, we're going to step up our game. Yes. We're going to hoochie-fy ourselves.
I'll post up pictures from my aunt's camera later since she doesn't know how to upload. I've been waiting for a picture of her and the Senator for 5 months now! She's technology challenged.
It's funny that my aunt stole the spotlight that night because I went there feeling really good. Another thing, I needed to get out and have fun since I had one hell of a Thursday (terrible Thursday...). Usually when I run before I hit the town, I feel really good about myself. But not that night when I saw my aunt in her Herve Ledger style dress. Ferreals.
lol that was sad. well i got hit on by a 400 pound short dude with cock bottle classes
LOL COKE bottle glasses
i was going to say.. "i don't remember seeing COCK bottle classes" haha! i LOVED how he was trying to talk to my aunt who looked away then tried to come to me and I just held up my stop sign then went on to you while you were wearing your blouse tighter. what a weirdo!!!
rejected three in a row means go somewhere else.
"rejected three in a row means go somewhere else."
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