I just spent 3 whole hours applying for positions that I felt I qualified for. There are still more that I need to apply to, but I'm exhausted. My head hurts. My eyes are weary. I'm a tad bit frustrated with my employment luck.
Back in November, I applied for the position of legislative associate. The firm is organized very much like where I am currently interning at. I never heard from them. I recently checked their website. When I applied, I thought for sure I was going to nail the position. I had the education and skills. I knew how to interact with the key people. I knew all the right lobbyists and staffers. I had everything that would have enabled me to get the job.
Apparently not.
When I checked the organization's site and saw who ended up getting the job as a legislative associate, I was baffled when I read the biography of my competition.
This person dropped out of college after 3 years and had been working as an office administrator in construction for 15 years. Now where in the bio did it state this person's connection with Capitol staffers or their experience in education policies? Or how about knowledge in legislation? None. HUH?!
How did this person get hired over me? I'm so confused and irritated.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Not a waste of time
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: employment
Friday, February 12, 2010
Good Morning, Early Weekend
President Weekend / Valentine's Day / Chinese New Year I didn't realize today was a holiday. I went into work and saw a note on my computer screen that read "VioletSnowflakes, please don't forget that Friday and Monday are holidays." O_O HAHAHAA!!! I've done that before in the past and my supervisors are always teasing me about showing up on a holiday. Apparently, I did it again. Because it was still early, I really wanted to go for a run but I had spent 15 minutes straightening my hair that morning, which is something that I don't really do. Since I didn't want to mess up my hair in the name of vanity and the morning was still young, I went over to Philliam's to bake some cowboy cookies and play catch up since we haven't seen much of one another in awhile. Another busy weekend despite it being a four day weekend. I have to celebrate Chinese New Years tomorrow with the family. Hopefully, I can squeeze in some running time in the morning. Not a very good blog entry today, but it's something. Check out the next blog regarding my cowboy cookie receipe. =)
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cultural Events
Thursday, February 11, 2010
can you pay my telephone bills / can you pay my automo'bills / then maybe we can chill / In an effort to cut down costs on EVERYTHING so I can save up for the Elle Street lofts in downtown, I've been keeping a careful eye on my bank account. But writing everything down is such a bitch.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Money
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hay un problema?
Weekly rantings? So a reader recently informed me that they don't enjoy reading my weekly rants. The outrage of this issue! Well buddy, my weekly rant is here to stay. Why? 1. It's my blog. 2. I like to rant. 3. Don't tell me what to blog about unless you're paying me to do so. 4. If you don't like it, don't read it. 5. It's my stress reliever. 6. It's easier to write. 7. Weekly rants makes me smile. Lucky 7. 7 reasons why. Enjoy.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rants
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Never wasted...
...but will never be.
As I was washing, stripping, and chopping up vegetables this past weekend, I couldn't help but notice the amount of vegetable scraps that I was tossing out. The peels and the roots were all tossed into the ever growing trash bin. Sure, it's just one trash bin in this kitchen, but this house has other trash bins in other rooms. So if there's four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one kitchen, then that would be seven trash bins for one household. Now every "trash day" we would wheel out our weekly trash for the dump pickup and so does 800 other homes in the area. Then there are 800 other houses to the left of this area, then another 800 in the other areas, and a billion more in the surrounding area. All with different trash pick up days. THAT'S A LOT OF TRASH.
For over a year, I've been a more mindful consumer by purchasing items that didn't have much packaging or any at all. I tried the stay-local-grocery-shopping thing for awhile, but that got expensive. I tried the farmer's market thing but it was too time consuming. Then I tried living without food for 10 minutes. I almost died. Now I have this bright idea about reducing my trash when it comes to kitchen scraps. These (egg shells, apple core, vegetable roots, potato and banana peels, etc.) can easily be thrown into a home compost box that I've been meaning to put together in my parent's backyard (if my father would give me some room) that way I'd have lovely soil to plant more vegetables to end my quest for more local food. How much more local can you get if you're eating food from your own backyard?
But it's hard to maintain a compost box when you're in between homes. I can't believe I just said that. O_O
You heard it here first.
Urgh, I just want one place to call my own, not "my parent's house" or "my boyfriend's house." But a place where I can freely have my own compost box and no underwear on the floor or annoying siblings. A place that's quiet and mine.
For now, since I have two homes that just begs for me to be there, maybe I'll just build a mobile compost box instead. Problem solved. XD
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 10:07 PM 0 comments