Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been sick since Monday. Throwin' up by the gallons, I tell ya. Bed ridden the entire Monday, called in sick to work. Went to only 2 of my classes on Tuesday and had to skip my last class due to major joint pains and headache. Ended up getting frozen yogurt to cure my aches and agony followed by some heartfelt cartoons. 

Wednesday. Thought I was doing good. Woke up at 6 am and declared to myself "Today, I shall work and go to my one and only class!" Hobbled out of bed to hit the alarm only to be met by my disgruntled head pains and back pains and more joint pains followed by... yet another barfing session. ooh yes. 
...turned off the alarm and hurled myself back to bed. Woke up at 8:58am, already 58 minutes late to work. Called in, said I still wasn't feeling well, then passed out again. Woke up again at 10:12am. Hobbled out of bed and to the bathroom, fiddled for my toothbrush, began the brushing process with half eyes closed. Went back to bed and just laid there. Then I decided that my headache wasn't as bad as Monday, so why not surf the web?
Got on, clicked under "missed connections" (ooh yah!) to began my morning readings. Well, I came across this that really just razzledazzled my day. 
angry rant
this dude/dudette should be kept far away from society. First off, I had a hard time trying to follow what they were trying to say due to run ons, incompletes, and grammar issues. They must have been in a hurry since they had about 3 minutes left on the public computer and the 12 year old is telling them to hurry the fuck up! HAHA! 
I better get off the computer and do some yoga if my joints permit. I'm going to try and see if I can make it to my class tonight since I missed it yesterday. Hopefully I'll get better. Also thanks to everyone who checked in to offer some advices and tips on overcoming whatever illness I have. =)