Wednesday, September 2, 2009

California State Fair - Weird Wild & Wacky

My short trip to the California State Fair was enjoyable as I was able to catch up with fellow friends who I haven’t seen in a month. The last time I saw SouVi and Khoun was back in late May on our crazy rafting adventure. I haven’t seen Richard since I left for my trip to South Asia. When I had gotten back to California, Richard was in Mississippi, visiting his parents. It’s funny how that worked out. Being the total foodie that I am, I was more excited about the fried goodness than the oddball theme for this year, which was “Weird Wild & Wacky.” I can’t help being a glutton. Although, this past year, I haven’t thought about food as being a pleasurable act but treating food more like fuel to energize me. This kind of behavior isn’t exactly forced, it was something that I just started doing and I noticed this behavior towards food when I was in Asia. This probably has to do with my part in giving up beef.

pepperonthegrill grilledchicken
lemonadeflavoredicee America, Philliam and I were the first to arrive out of our bunch. Since we were starving, there was no way that we were going to wait for everyone to get there so we headed over to the Jumbo Dog stand. Yes... It’s just what I needed (the Cars!!!! Reminisces on ‘80s childhood.) The corndog was delish, I devoured every bit of it while I annoyingly talked to someone on the phone. -___- jumbodogs americaphildognosemephonecorndog By the time our groupie arrived, it was almost dusk. In the pictures, you can see the gorgeous skyline. I absolutely love the colors. I won’t bore you to death with the written account of what went on, so I’ll go ahead and post all the pictures so you can see what we did. SouVi and Khoun Sunset Bench Sitters Boys Family Portrait Philliam the Hottie Cowboy Sunny and Richard bunch of alcoholics drink up America Vo and Amer with fried goodnessMore fried goodness Yummy DrinksWine Slushie American and Sou ViAmerica and Sunshine Golden BearGroupie Eating on Picnic Table Men with Golden Bear Richard and Sunny Forever Give me my damn alcohol Richard is hungry what the fuck is that?

Monday, August 31, 2009


There's something called privacy. I know that you know it. I haven't done anything to change it because there's a bit of trust that I still have in you and had hoped you would respect it. Seeing that you haven't, I'm a bit concerned about where your head is.