There's a huge, painful cyst on my bottom lip. It's been bothering me for the past two days. Yesterday, after work, I applied a honey aspirin mask to ensure that it wouldn't get any worse. Big, freakin' whoa. I woke up this morning with swelled up lips that resembled Angelina Jolie. Although, I kind of like the look of it. Hmm... The cyst got bigger this morning and the pain is excruciating but tolerable. Only problem is that I'm a bit handicapped. My lips are so full. It feels so puffy. I can't laugh. I can't bite or lick my lips. I can't even eat correctly. I can't sip water out of my water bottle. Luckily I can tolerate the pain of popping it. That's exactly what I did. The pain actually felt better than letting it sit on my bottom lips. I cleaned up the infected area and applied acne ointment. All in all, my lips are still puffy but there is less pain.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Woke up in the morning lookin' like Jo-lee
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Vanity
Friday, February 19, 2010
Busy DAY busy DAY
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 4:04 PM 0 comments
I'm back...
Tiger Woods. Again? CNN and other news outlet are blowing up on this shit again. AGAIN! I was hoping that they'd only cover an hour of material for this. Not an all morning (and maybe all day) thing. Another big let down.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Top News
another day, another dollar.
Busy Friday Morning. Fridays are normally chill at work. Seeing that this is my 2nd to the last Friday before I am let go from my internship, I'm surprised by the amount of new assignments that I have to do this morning! Interesting. I have to do some research on a bill that was vetoed back in 2008 which passed every committee hearing until it hit the desk of the governator. Then I have a conference call at 11am. Afterwards, I'm back to my usual Friday routine of screening calls, looking up next week's legislative meeting and agenda, do some filing and data entry, then it's 2pm, I'm off work! Philliam is riding his bike to downtown to meet me at 2pm then we're killing time by being hoodlums until 5pm where we'll meet up with Alex and Christina J for happy hour and some much needed relaxation and reflection on where we are today. Once it's after 11pm, I'll head over to my parent's house to avoid the cold silence and angry glare from my middle sister's room and meet the sad emptyness of my baby sister's room. No worries, Hilarydilarydoo will be back on Sunday from her SoCal trip. She's currently at UCSD doing a tour of the school. Now it's back to work and watching CNN.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Kinsey Collection
California Legislative Black Caucus Reception I RSVP'd myself and two other friends (Mermaid and Miss USA), who I know are bigger art and history geeks than myself, for a Legislative Black Caucus reception where we would be able to view the Kinsey Collection with the collectors themselves. I was ecstatic to see Shirley and Bernard Kinsey there and giving background information on their infamous collection of African American and African artifacts. I've been wanting to see this collection ever since I learned about it in my Black and African American History class (yes, that's what it was called). As you know, I did a second major in U.S. History, so I was already familiar with who the Kinseys were and I knew all about their generous contribution to education. It was a great reception, with speeches given by the governor, legislators, and Shirley and Bernard Kinsey followed by live music, food, and open bar. I didn't drink because my "potential future" boss was mingling in the crowd as well. Enough chatter from me. Pictures are down below. =) See photos of members of the legislatures, secretary of state, the governor, the Kinseys themselves, the museum, and three giddy girls down below. Click to enlarge!
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: California Governor, History, Local Sacramento Events, Politics
Weekly Rant
Shipping status from FedEx. Last week, I ordered clothing for my next snowboard trip from a local store. The problem is that I ordered it online. From a local store. Yes. A local store. I tried in the past to purchase some of the items in-store but I was kindly asked to sit at a computer and order from there when the merchandise I had in mind of purchasing was only a few feet away from me, which was untouchable and un-see-able. Lame-sauce. I believe locals should be able to freely shop at the store itself and not have to order online. Although, I had qualified for free shipping and returns/exchanges can be brought to the store, which are perks, but if I were to exchange the items, I would have to re-order online. Yes. Total Lame-sauce. Online shopping isn't the same as in-store shopping.
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rants
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Gosh dang, these cowboy cookies are yummy!
Howdy, stranger! Give these delectable cookies a try.
Cowboy cookies, in my opinion, are a delightful post-workout snack that I look forward to sinking my teeth into after a cycle class or long jog. Oftentimes, when I would feel weak due to my low blood sugar, I would pop one before working out to keep me fueled for an hour. Philliam likes to pack some for his several hour bike rides and has found that it's more refreshing than snacking on energy bars. My parents likes to have one (1) cowboy cookie with their teas and my little cousin enjoys mindlessly snacking on a bunch due to its chewy yet crunchy texture and the "yummyness" factor. It's a win-win for me! I find it much better than packaged, store-bought cookies. I can't stand those. Unless it's the 9 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that I ordered. Now that's an exception. ^__^
Editor's note: Sorry for the ugly photo of my cowboy cookies. I didn't put any effort into rolling the cookie dough because I was too lazy. Yes. I'm lazy. At least I'm comfortable with admitting it. Although, these cookies are highly delicious... *munches*
Anywhoo, here's a recipe that I've tweaked to my own liking to ensure that it will deliver enough energy after my workouts but are still delicious enough to enjoy rather than dreading (like those power bars *shudders*). Next week, I'm going to try adding some muscle/protein powder and see how that works out for me.
Gather up these babies:
1 1/3 c flour (I like mixing 1/3 c organic oat brand flour into 1 c of regular flour for my cookies. If you don't want to, then just use regular flour. It doesn't really matter.)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 c cooking oats
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
1 egg
1/2 c butter (one stick)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c m&ms (regular)
1/2 c dark chocolate chips
1/2 c assorted nuts (I use pecans, walnuts, and almonds)
Follow these simple, exact directions:
1. In a medium sized bowl, melt the stick of butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds then let it chill in the fridge until it reaches room temperature. I normally leave it in there while I'm gathering and preparing the dry mixture.
2. In a small bowl, mix the nuts, m&ms, and dark chocolate chips. Set aside.
3. In separate a large mixing bowl, mix the first five dry ingredients (flour, baking soda & powder, salt, and oats). Mix well.
4. Now add in the white and brown sugar to the flour mixture. Mix very well. Mix with your hands if you need to. Make sure the mixture is smooth with no bumps. Brown sugar has a tendency to clump so loosen them apart and mix with the other dry ingredients. Set aside.
5. Pour the candy mixture into the flour mixture and mix that really well. Get your hands in there if you have to.
6. Take the butter out of the fridge (make sure it's still liquid, if not, back in the microwave it goes). Pour in the vanilla. Crack the egg into the butter and vanilla mixture. Mix and beat. Make sure the wet mixture is not warm, but room temperature or slightly cold, otherwise, you'd have melted chocolate and discolored m&m's.
7. Now pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture. Mix well. Yes, do it. Mix it very well.
8. After mixing all ingredients together, stick the big bowl of cookie dough in the fridge to chill for 5 minutes.
While waiting for the cookie dough to chill, I normally clean up my work station because it's just something that I'm programmed to do. Clean. I like a nice clean work space. Bet your bottom dollar, I do.
9. After 5 minutes, take the cookie dough out of the fridge and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
10. Now here is the fun part. Getting your hands dirty! I use an ice cream scoop to determine the size of my cookie, which is about 1 inch to 1.5 inch. Roll the cookie dough into balls and set it on a parchment covered baking sheet. Set each cookie ball 1 inch apart from one another.
11. Take a flat spoon and slightly press the top of each cookie dough balls so that way the cookies will have a nice, round form when baked.
12. Once the last cookie dough has been balled up, stick it in the preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes for chewy cookies or 12 minutes for crunchy, yet chewy in the middle, cookies.
12. After the timer goes off, immediately remove the cookies from the oven and let these beauties cool down on the counter before eating.
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. And I mean it. I love my version of cowboy cookies. Enjoy!
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 7:45 PM 0 comments