Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Not-So-Perfect Saturday Morning

My typical Saturdays usually involves me waking up at 7am (yea to sleepin' in! woot woot) next to a warm-furry-loudly-purring-little-body and a warm, fur-less, wide-eyed guy whose on all fours staring back at me with a grin. I've NEVER liked morning people. But he's an exeption since he usually says something along the lines of "Let's go get some breakfast!" or "I cooked you breakfast!" The second one always sounds better to me. A way into Violet's heart is through her stomach. After breakfast, the both of us would get ready for the rest of our morning - in our case, we like to work out. I like to wash my face, brush my teeth, floss, put my long hair in a high ponytail or a low ponytail or maybe a french braid that's nicely put off to the side or throw on a beanie and yell "I hate my hair!!!" This takes about 4-5 minutes. While I'm doing that, my workout buddy is taking a shower. He claims it makes him feel clean while working out. hmm... okay, weirdo. So anywhoo, we get all geared up for our cycle class or outdoor run then we kiss the kitties goodbye and jump in the car. After our one to two hour workout, we head back home. Freshen ourselves up. Make lunch and watch a movie while we rest up for our day. Peaceful bliss is what I like to call it. TODAY was the complete opposite. I was awoken by a rude, fur-less man. He turned on the faucet, the two air vents, and the shower. Then I heard him in the kitchen getting breakfast. Loudly banging the cupboards shut. All this while I'm trying to get back to sleep after a horrible night of awkwardly falling asleep on the couch. Maybe I should take his roommate's hint and wear earplugs. But that's not the case. He showers and loudly gets dressed in his huge closet. Then his cat starts to walk all over my chest while purring loudly and shoving her nose in my face. I gently pushed her off my chest and turned to my side, trying to get back to sleep. At last, he finally leaves! I told myself to wake up in another hour so I can drive down to my parents house in the morning and maybe get some running time in. Nope, I had a long nightmare (or should I say daymare?) this morning. I didn't get up til 10:30am! I felt so shameful and unproductive. I could barely move fast enough. That pretty much ended my perfect Saturday mornings. But I guess we all have those once in awhile, right? Sure, it's not as bad as you all think but I felt really crappy today. =( So I took a hint from the girls of SATC and decided to put my Christmas gift cards to use. Yay to free shipping. I'm calling it a quiet evening by going to bed early on a Saturday night. =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Interview tomorrow

I have a job interview tomorrow at 3pm. I can't sleep. Scared shitless. Seriously. I went and couldn't. I felt like I was at Philliam's house, except I'm at my parent's house. I'm a complete nervous wreck. Luckily, I did some researching on women's interview attire. I got my black soft pinstripe pantsuit nicely cleaned. A white crisp shirt with a grey sweater to go over. My fabulous Sam Edelman black snakeskin shoes with black hosiery, of course. And for the sake of tomorrow's chilly weather, a heavy black trench coat. All from my closet. I didn't have a black purse (cuz I'm poor, yo) so I enlisted my mother for help. My goodness, the amount of handbags she has in 2 of her walk-in closets amazes me. Fabulous designers, department store brands, and fakes. Yet, she never uses them. Why? Cause she's weird (real reason? it's a long story for another day). We both finally settled on a black silver chained Ann Taylor tote bag for me to borrow. Also, if I score the job, my moma is giving me a HUGE black tote bag that has Chanel purse-like features, but it's not Chanel. It's perfect for the lightrail. YAY! I love how I do not need buy anything since I can always go to my mom and aunt to borrow items that I know I'll never use again. For example: Hoochie party dress - auntie's closet, purses/handbags - moma's closet, dark brown long hair extensions - auntie's house, fabulous MAC lipsticks in many shades of red - moma's bathroom, costume jewelry - auntie's jewelry box, etc etc. There is no need for me to ever buy anything if I'm heading out to a cocktail party. Woo hoo! Anyway, in order to keep everything simple for tomorrow, I organized the tote bag. My wallet is in there, makeup bag (in case a pimple decides that today is the day it'll shine), cell phone, CRKT pocket knife (cut me some slack, I work in downtown and the interview is also in downtown), black cloth bag in case I decide to go grocery shopping afterward (I hate using plastic bags), a snack in my reusable baggie, gum, a copy of my resume, writing sample, notebook, and a pen. All of the things that I normally carry to work will be left at the office. It wouldn't look good if I walked in with my 32oz Hello Kitty water bottle and all of my empty Tupperware from my packed lunch, right? I'm going to study the company's website again before I go to bed. Nervous wreck. O_O