Friday, October 3, 2008

Beers Beers Beers

Oktober Fest tomorrow! I will try my best to document my first Oktober Fest event with pictures. I can be so lazy sometimes when it comes to taking pictures. I just want to eat, sit, eat, drink, and eat some more. My first event would be the Oktober Fest kick-off party at Brew it Up in Sactown with my utlra cool VIP pass. After that, I'll be mindlessly roaming around downtown. I wonder if I could pull off a dirndl???

Monday, September 29, 2008


You've seen that commercial. The ones where they say "Depression hurts... blah blah blah" That quote has been stuck on my mind a lot. I'm depressed about a lot of things. The economy is heading in a scary direction, I've been broke ever since I've paid my tuition and books, I lost my best friend, and I'm busy as hell! This is too much for me to deal with. I wish it were 2007 when everything was peaceful and I didn't have this stupid accent. >_<