i'm bored at work. nothing to do except watch tv. i'm hungry too. i want to eat something yummy... i'm gonna go back to watching a haunting now.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Historic day in the making
Election. I'm quite burnt out from all the presidential news. I only care about the propositions in California. I'm glad I got out of work early yesterday to vote so that made things easier for me today. Remember, vote for what matters! I didn't vote for neither the Rep or Dem candidate, so don't ask me. It's depressing that some of the people I talked to in class this morning weren't aware of the other candidates in other parties. One guy's reaction was "There's a Green Party?!" Horrible, ain't it? Happy Voting Day! ...i miss my grandma in indiana. =(
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 9:23 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Oh Governator!
So Arnold is in Ohio today campaigning for fellow republican, John McCain. Our governor rarely ever criticizes those of opposite parties, but today he criticized Democrat Obama's policy and some crap about "socialist" ideas then he goes on to talk about his physical appearance of being "scrawny." Geez. Wasn't it just last week when he considered Obama a great candidate? And what's with him poking fun at his physical appearance? Good grief. Poor Obama and poor McCain. They always get their appearance made fun of. It's election day tomorrow. If you didn't vote, then you don't have a right to complain. Comprende?
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: Politics
xmas gift + halloween
I think I may have found the perfect christmas gift for my dad!
I found it on tadgear.com while trying to replace my lost surefire flashlight. It would be pretty handy for my dad. I also found a new toy that I can add to my "oh, i wish i were rich..." list. It costs 325 bones...
Here's pictures from this past weekend from Thursday and Friday, none on Saturday because I was feeling down from all those parties. Thursday and Friday, I dressed up as a bumble bee and Friday, I was dressed up as Misty from Pokemon! Both costumes involved yellow. Y'all figure out what my favorite color is???
Right now, I don't have any time to talk about the 3 nights of partying... I'm tired. I've never done that before, but it was fun! I also have a few pictures from my night in a corn maze in Dixon, CA. You know it's the largest in the world? Pretty neat.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween weekend. =)
Posted by Violet Tu-Tangy at 3:44 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cultural Events, Toys, Weekends