...before I disappear again =P Warning! Picture heavy post!!!
To make up for all my absences this year, I decided that I should sit my ass down with my homies from Pepperidge Farm and do a post on what I've been doing from January through March. I know I haven't been blogging as much, but only to whine about California's budget woes, so I hope this post will be as interesting to you readers as it was to me. I didn't do very much since I was very busy and it was also very cold!
January 2009
New Years Party at Philliam Wallace's house! I invited more of my friends who didn’t show up… I was sad. Also Richie couldn’t be there since he was visiting his parents in Mississippi. This party was planned on a whim. It was a "New Years Cocktail Party" so that meant I was in charge of making desserts (cup cakes and tiramisu!) and decorations. I even wrote a proposal letter to Philliam suggesting how we would go about planning and an itinerary for the night. I wish I still had it so I can post it. That proposal was sort of chucked out the window by the PPC, Party Planning Committee. But you know what? It's all cool. Not that I cared. A drunk party giraffe isn't that cool, I guess. Some people have no humor. At. All. But like I said. It's cool. -____-;;
A picture of the crew who planned this fantastical event! =)
Pictured above is, left to right, Philliam (green), Jasmine (black jacket), myself (grey dress with a man jaw), Eric (gravitating head), Ruby (black number), and Sunny (glasses and he DID NOT help with the planning, he just jumped in - lazy bum).
My friends stopped by! It was great seeing them. I joked that I got to have them for New Years while my ex got them for Halloween as part of the separation deal. Haha stupid joke that shouldn't even be a laughing matter. And I still have that name card on my back. It says Mrs. Buttersworth. haha
In the beginning, we played a "Name Game" to get everyone comfortable with one another and also to get them to mingle around rather than stand in the corner by their lonesome self. I’m guilty of such behavior. Haha!!!
Here’s Mike, playing some relaxing music for the arrival of our guests, Sunny + Dave, and the ever so cute Jasmine and Chris.
What kind of party would it be without the drinkies and drunkies?
Katie, Dave, and Mike at the piano.
Little Miss Perfect never-takes-a-bad-picture RUBY!
We busted out Rock Band since it was apparent that people needed to get rockin’! yay!
Lovely ladies.
The lovely couple, sincerely yours =)
His card says “Pamela Anderson” hehee
Sunny the Bunny on the piano. Probably trying to play “Kingdom Hearts” theme song.
It just wouldn’t be me, if I wasn't eating something at a party with food. I can’t help that I’m such a glutton!
Check out these kids.
The party was a complete success and I like to believe that everyone enjoyed themselves at the so called "New Years Cocktail Party." But cleaning it wasn't so fun. Philliam and I didn't go to bed until 6am! We woke up around 9am later. haha!
L’Jan’s ugly sweater party! Can you believe this handsome man turned 30 years and still as hip as ever? I wore my rainbow itchy sweater that my Grandma Sally in Indiana gave to me when I was 12 years old. I lived in Fresno during that time, so there was no need for a sweater since all I remember was that it was humidly hot! The sweater itself was really hot and itchy despite the cold Sacramento weather.
The cute married couple Michelle and Nick in their fantastic ugly sweaters from Goodwill. This was taken at Arigatos Suchi Bar and Resturant.
Afterwards, we hit up L’Jan’s place to show off our ugly sweaters. There were Catwalks so we can vote for the ugliest sweaters. Philliam and I left before they hit the clubs since us early 20s and mid 20s kids get pretty fagged once night falls.
Here are the models showcasing their hideous sweaters. 1) I loved Allan in his tiny snowflake sweater! He is pretty creative to wear a little girl’s sweater that shows off his lovely midsection. 2) The girl in purple’s outfit is something I’d wear on a night out; I wouldn’t consider it hideous since I find it wearable. 3) Nick and Michelle are too funny! They danced throughout their catwalk.
L’Jan and his friend were a riot. His friend obviously didn’t have an ugly sweater so he must’ve “borrowed” his girlfriend’s pretty little cardigan sweater. And yes, that was how he wore it until L’Jan decided to join him. He’s the birthday boy, why not?
What’s a party without Rock Band and alcohol?
1) Here is L’Jan presenting the medal for the ugliest sweater and he gave a story about how he won it from an older man of about 80 years old. Truly touching story, indeed. 2) Third place went to Mimi. You can see what she won in the pictures below. hehee 3) Nick won Second Place prize which was an action packed movie on dvd and a $25 iTunes card. 4) 1st place prize went to the guy with the little girl’s snowflake sweater that showed off his belly. Haha! What an honor! 5) The winners with L’Jan, the marvelous birthday boy!
Michelle's Birthday! held at Parlare Nightclub. Woot! Before we went over to Parlare, I hung out with these people.
March 2009
The month I have finals and spring break! St. Patrick's Day, I had to stay in to study even though I was really tempted to go to a block party. It looked like so much fun. Downtown roads were shut down for the festivities. A lot of things happened during this month and I failed to document those events with pictures. Such as G.V. Hurley's 1 year anniversary celebration where they were having complimentary bbq and discounted beers. Yum! Although, I did document 3 nights that I went out below.
March 21, 2009 One of the random downtown walk arounds that we did because we were bored and I was FINALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!! ...just for a week until the new quarter starts up again. But that's okay, cause all I need is one week to chill, except I had to work. =(
Ruby, Eric, Philliam, and I decided to meet up with my brothers Richie and Sunny to see how they were doing at club Cabana on K St. They seemed to have enjoyed themselves very much but they then decided to leave to walk around the Capitol with us. I work only a few steps away from the Cosmopolitan and I still haven't been there. They have a full Cabarnet show! Geez, I need to get my act together and hit up that place.
This place always looks amazing! I've taken so many pictures and see it on a daily basis, but I'm still awestruck but it's beauty.
I need to start taking better night pictures!
Afterward, we walked over to Parlare Nightclub to meet up with Michelle and Nick. We walked about 15 blocks to get there! It was my first time there and I really enjoyed it since there was no cover and its 21 and up. Woot woot! Michelle had booked the VIP section of the night, I overheard them saying it was about $300 bucks with a discount from the owners. Goodness. I'm starting to get lazy with posting now... No more commentaries. haha
1) My glorious asian glow. 2) Nick and Michelle gettin down. 3) L'Jan and his friend. I forgot his name, but at the ugly sweater party, his sweater had a cute bunny on it. haha! 4) More of the birthday girl. 5) Philliam and I, sans red beanie. 6) Nick and L'Jan 7) Philliam the narcissist 8) Nick and Michelle, the happy couple. =)
March 27, 2009 Another relaxing weekend before I head back to school. I finally got to hang out with my cousin! Although, she left early, and I'm always forgetting to take pictures! My boyfriend had to remind me... Ah well, there'll be more times to capture my cousin and I. This night, we went to Centro first (I forgot to take pictures), Then we headed over some place that I already forgot the name to play some pool.
Philliam Wallace got a haircut that very night! I remember being very shocked. I kept having to do a double take because I didn't think it was him. He's trying to go for a more conservaative look. Wow, what a transformation...
Ruby and I have been hanging out a lot. We've been jogging together, talking, eating, and playing tennis. We're also planning on taking a pole dancing class just for fun. Me? Pole dancing? That's complete nonsense! The funny thing is, I was the one who brought it up. =O I feel like I've completely changed within the past year... Don't really know what to think of it. I'm no longer stuck at home on weekends like I used to be which means I've been going out more. I am no longer a homebody. It's really weird. But I'm having fun and discovering the best of Sacramento. Wow, I've never discussed that with anyone and now here I am telling the entire world. =O
Anyway, enough blabs about my transformation and my weight gain (check out that belly! wtf?!).
March 29, 2009 Our short trip to the California Academy of Science in San Francisco. I'm a but hesitance to blog about this since there was soo many things to talk about! I love that place! Especially since they honor student discounts and triple A! Woot Woot! I may have to do a separate blog on that since I believe everyone should see a review on it before they visit. But here are just a few pictures.
Yes! I am done! This is the month of April so there ought to be more posts! Next weekend, I'll be hanging out with my cousins during Second Saturday!
Afterwards, we went out and decided to just stand around. The boys started taking pictures. What a bunch of weirdos. o_O
Check out that melting pot in the last picture! You've got Eric whose white, Ruby Mexican, Me a mixed Asian cuisine, and Philliam the Native American. HAHA!!! Where is Ariell, the influx of African, French, Dutch, etc??
March 28, 2009 My sister and my cousin's prom night. My sister is actually wearing a vintage dress that she modified with my mom. It actually used to be my mom's dress back in the 80s. The dress turned out really good! My cousin got her black and white number from Macy's. They're both bare footed because they don't like heels. haha They look great!
hahaha see i would have destroyed that new years party with my tequila alter ego.
umm yeah the sasa price is a little pricey...maybe 10 or 20 bucks high. but kose actually has an american sekkisei website which sells it directly! so i got my cleanser and free samples! yee!
oh no, my issues are not that deep. its the same guy in japan. its mostly internal fears causing issue.
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