Lack of postings from me. Reasons? School, Work, School, Social, School, Family, and have I mentioned school? Glad that the Fall session is over for now. I'm dreading going back for the Winter session. Urgh. Anywho, here's some pictures illustrating what I've been doing: 1. I went to the One Republic concert in San Francisco in the early weeks of November. It would have been fun if I had brought the travel snack pack I had put together for that evening, but I had forgotten it! That meant I didn't enjoy the concert as much because I was starving. Pictures before the show:
This picture of Richard and NakedGuy is classic. It deserves to be big!
Sunny the birthday boy.
This is how far we sat:
Lori's diner was OK.
Hard to believe, but yes, I am related to him.
3. Parent's fruit farm in Sutter County.
We visited the farm while the fruits were being harvested. We had fun doing labor work but I went home with 24 mosquito bites! Those m*ther f@ckers!
This was when gas was starting to go down. Right now, the average in Northern California is $1.69/gallon
Happy Holidays!
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