Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weekly Rant

Shipping status from FedEx. Last week, I ordered clothing for my next snowboard trip from a local store. The problem is that I ordered it online. From a local store. Yes. A local store. I tried in the past to purchase some of the items in-store but I was kindly asked to sit at a computer and order from there when the merchandise I had in mind of purchasing was only a few feet away from me, which was untouchable and un-see-able. Lame-sauce. I believe locals should be able to freely shop at the store itself and not have to order online. Although, I had qualified for free shipping and returns/exchanges can be brought to the store, which are perks, but if I were to exchange the items, I would have to re-order online. Yes. Total Lame-sauce. Online shopping isn't the same as in-store shopping.