Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a little late.

Lack of postings from me. Reasons? School, Work, School, Social, School, Family, and have I mentioned school? Glad that the Fall session is over for now. I'm dreading going back for the Winter session. Urgh. Anywho, here's some pictures illustrating what I've been doing: 1. I went to the One Republic concert in San Francisco in the early weeks of November. It would have been fun if I had brought the travel snack pack I had put together for that evening, but I had forgotten it! That meant I didn't enjoy the concert as much because I was starving. Pictures before the show:

Photobucket Photobucket In the car and before the show.
This picture of Richard and NakedGuy is classic. It deserves to be big!
Sunny the birthday boy.
This is how far we sat:
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After the concert, we had to get our grub on and walk off the fatty food.
Lori's diner was OK.
Hard to believe, but yes, I am related to him.
Photobucket Some fancy smancy hotel.
Photobucket Walking off that horrid food.
2. Monterey Bay Aquarium. Supposedly, this was suppose to be a double date for Eric-Phil and Ruby-Myself. =P I'd love to spend a weekend in Monterey, the weather and view is perfect. Such a great tourist town.
Photobucket Check out that gorgeous blue!
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Photobucket Photobucket Feathered friends.
3. Parent's fruit farm in Sutter County. We visited the farm while the fruits were being harvested. We had fun doing labor work but I went home with 24 mosquito bites! Those m*ther f@ckers!
This was when gas was starting to go down. Right now, the average in Northern California is $1.69/gallon
PhotobucketPhotobucket This is all that we pasted by. Nothing but peaceful bliss. I can already tell that a bunch of gun owners live in those areas. Must be nice. =)
Photobucket Haha, look at my sister!
Photobucket I put the kiddos to work once we were done festing on our lunch.
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That concludes the adventure! There's more but I've been too lazy to upload. These were the only ones I had uploaded back in November when the California sun was still shining. Alright, I'm off work!
Happy Holidays!