Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mix Lounge with Mermaid and my aunt

That's right. I hit up Mix Lounge last night with my 40 something year old aunt. She got hit on more than Mermaid and I combined. So Mermaid and I decided that the next time we paint the town red with her, we're going to step up our game. Yes. We're going to hoochie-fy ourselves. I'll post up pictures from my aunt's camera later since she doesn't know how to upload. I've been waiting for a picture of her and the Senator for 5 months now! She's technology challenged.

Photobucket Photobucket
It's funny that my aunt stole the spotlight that night because I went there feeling really good. Another thing, I needed to get out and have fun since I had one hell of a Thursday (terrible Thursday...). Usually when I run before I hit the town, I feel really good about myself. But not that night when I saw my aunt in her Herve Ledger style dress. Ferreals.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Interesting charges to my bank account

My last three transactions in my checking account made me laugh a little this morning. I ran my debit card at Forever 21 (Halloween costume purchase) for $55.55. The second transaction was at Fuzio (short happy hour but long conversations with a friend) for $18.49. Lastly, the third transaction at Mongolian BBQ (dinner with a friend from high school) for the same as Fuzio, $18.49! WOW! Okay, so it's only three transaction that made me look twice. Made my morning after my hellish, tearful Thursday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Overwhelming Emotions

The Stable Quliaty Care commercial that I've been seeing on CNN is breaking my heart. It makes me wonder about the "what ifs" in life. Now that's an effective commercial. You can see thier website here:

Why isn't America safer for women?

What's going on these days with abductions, kidnapping, and domestic violence on women?? That's one of the many issues that caught my attention on CNN today.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stop Cock Blocking Me.

I was born in California, raised in California, and will DIE in California. I love this golden state of mine so much, but living here makes it so hard for me to actually enjoy it, especially when I hit retail therapy sessions. Trying to buy things here is SOOOOO difficult. Why do I have to go through so much paper works and identification verification just to buy harmless items, yet only to get denied later?? Even one of my item that I have in my possession is still an ongoing paperwork to confirm my background checks. I've had it since July and haven't even gotten to play with it yet!!!! I'm going to bring up this retail cock blocker to someone's attention. Talk about frustrations. T_T Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?? .::EDIT::. That's ITTTTTTTT. I hit another road bump during my retail session therapy. I'm emailing my Senator tomorrow.