Wednesday, February 3, 2010


...from the previous nights. Monday night, I spent over an hour listening and talking to Philliam's mom. It was more listening than talking. I enjoy listening to people talk. The words that come out of their mouths are stories that I put into moving pictures in my head. I'm very imaginative. She told me the good and the bad of raising her kids. How much time she would waste in a day just shuttling kids to school then home then to sport practices then back to home and how exhausting it was for her. She talked of her current job and how funny her co-workers are. We talked about plastic surgery. She talked about her plans and goals. We talked about traveling. Then we talked about me, the unemployed, post-grad. It was a nice conversation. I went home that night thinking about the same conversations I used to have with parents and grandparents from my previous relationship and my heart just ached for them. I miss them terribly. I miss the stories they would tell me of their past. It was rich history worth listening to. Sometimes I wish I could call and ask to take them out for lunch or dinner. But there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. It pains me to think of my lost communications with them. There will always be I wishes... in this world but never any action.


Anonymous said...

lovely, i just brought tons of different emo backgrounds to my blog